

MY NEW EXTREME SPORT - CLIMBING AROUND THE TOWER. WHAT IS IT? -the climbing tower wire extreme sport consist in that you have to climb the tower that is located in manizales but you have to read the next part to know more about that.    RULES: - you cant have more than 100 kilos to climb here is for your segurity. -you just can climb this tower with any kind of protection or segurity. -the hours to practice this extreme sport are just in the morning and at night. -you cant go up there with anything that can fall and afect someone. EQUIPMENT:  - Is very simple. for climbing tower wire you need comfortable clothes like a loose pants a big shirt and some shoes it is recomended some old tennis shoes or those of your prefenrence. LOCATION:  - the ubication of climbing tower is in manizales sector the wire and is very to see because is very tall.